Week of January 22-26, 2024

Monday:   Students will review westward expansion for their test on Tuesday.

Manifest destiny - Wikipedia

Tuesday:   Unit 7:  Westward Expansion test.  Unit 8:1 Vocabulary assigned.  (Due Thursday/quiz Thursday)

Wednesday:   Describe the positive and negative consequences of human modification of the physical environment of the United States as well as analyzing the effects of physical and human geographic factors such as weather, landforms, waterways, transportation, and communication on major historical events in the United States.

Thursday:   Explain the free enterprise system.  New Innovations,  (Then and now)

Free Enterprise | PPT

Friday:   Expand on the previous study of new Innovations, recalling the creation of new states due to Manifest Destiny and how the beginning of sectionalism in the United States in regards to free and slave states was becoming more apparent and controversial.

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