August 28-September 1, 2023

Monday:   Compare the physical geography in the American colonies and how it affected settlement and economic patterns in the region.  (13English Colony Quiz on Wednesday)

Assign “Letter Home” writing assignment.  Due Friday by 7:30 AM. (Test grade)

Tuesday:   Analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factors such as weather, landforms, waterways, transportation, and communication.  (similarities and differences).

Wednesday:   Explain the importance of documents and colonial legislative bodies to the growth of representative government.  How does religion contribute to this as well?  (Compare the impact of Thomas Hooker, Charles de Montesquieu, and John Locke in the development of self-government in colonial America as well as Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Anne Hutchinson, and Pocahontas and the role of women in American society during Colonial times.). 13 English Colony Quiz

Thursday:   Analyze the importance of the Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the Virginia House of Burgesses to the growth of representative government.

Friday:  Explain reasons for the development of the plantation system, the transatlantic slave trade, and the spread of slavery.  Letter Home assignment due by 7:30 AM.


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