Week of January 13-17, 2025

Monday:   Students will analyze the reasons for the removal and resettlement of Cherokee Indians during the Jacksonian era.   Students will examine American literature and art during the early part of the 19th century. (Exploring American Cultural Icons). This separate assignment will counts as a test grade. Due Friday.

Tuesday:  Students will explain the constitutional issues arising over the issue of states’ rights, including the Nullification Crisis.

Wednesday:  Students will summarize arguments regarding protective tariffs, taxation, and the banking system. (2nd National Bank of the United States)

Thursday:   Unit 6: Age of Jackson Review.  (Powerpoint and questions, Screencastify video, Graphic organizer, notes, vocabulary, Kahoot, Quizlet). Students are encourage to attend a Unit 6:  Age of Jackson morning review at 7:30.  (Must be in the room before 7:30)

Friday:  Unit 6:  Age of Jackson Test.  Assigned artwork (from Monday)  is due today.  (Counts as a test)

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