Monday: Teacher Workday
Tuesday: Review Unit 8: Part 1 Industrialization and Reform Era. (less the reform movement which will be tested next Thursday.)
Wednesday: Unit 8: Industrialization Part 1 Test
Thursday: Describe the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the United States, focusing on the role of women in the struggle for rights as well as the historical development of the abolitionist movement.
Friday: Continue examining the contributions of significant political, social, and military leaders of the United States, focusing on the role of women in the struggle for rights as well as the historical development of the abolitionist movement.
FYI: As of February 10, we have 31 days before our STAAR test. (Social Studies).
Other Important Dates:
Benchmark testing: February 19 (Reading), February 25 (Science), February 26 (Social Studies), March 5 (Algebra), March 6 (Math)
Spring Break: March 10-14
STAAR Testing: April 8 (Reading), April 15 (Science), April 16 (Social Studies), April 23 (Algebra), April 24 (Math)