(12) Economics. The student understands why various sections of the United States developed different patterns of economic activity through 1877. The student is expected to:
(A) identify economic differences among different regions of the United States;
(B) explain reasons for the development of the plantation system, the transatlantic slave trade, and the spread of slavery; and
(C) analyze the causes and effects of economic differences among different regions of the United States at selected times.
Tuesday: Constitution Day. Students will examine the Constitution and its impact on our country.
Wednesday: Analyze causes of the American Revolution
Thursday: Analyze reasons for and the impact of selected examples of civil disobedience and then Identify colonial grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence.
Friday: Explain the roles played by significant individuals during the American Revolution. Create a sensory figure of one of the individuals who made contributions to American independence. (Due Tuesday)
Monday: Sourcing (who, what, when, where, why) of various individuals who contributed to the growth of the colonies. (Impact of women and Enlightenment philosophers including but not limited to: John Locke, Thomas Hooker, Charles Montesquieu, Anne Hutchinson, Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Pocahontas. )
**We will continue to use our unit warm-ups to spiral information from our previous and current unit of study. As in the past, students will complete the warm-up, following these directions: Without using their graphic organizer/notes, answer the questions. When they finish, and if necessary, they should check their notes (notes and graphic organizer) and then submit.**
Tuesday: Explain reasons for the development of the plantation system, the transatlantic slave trade, and the spread of slavery and how the development of the plantation system began to be central to the economy of Colonial America.
Wednesday: Students will examine various attacks on the United States from another country.
Thursday and Friday: Analyze causes of the American Revolution.
Monday: Labor Day Holiday. Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894.
Tuesday: Explain the reasons for the growth of representative government and institutions during the colonial period. (Letter Home is due today. Counts as a test grade). Unit 2:5 Colonization Day 6 Warm-Up. (Without using their graphic organizer/notes, students will answer the questions. When they are finished, and if necessary, they may check their notes and then submit.)
Wednesday: Explain reasons for the development of the plantation system, the transatlantic slave trade, and the spread of slavery. Review for our Unit 2: Colonial America Test on Thursday. Unit 2:6 Colonization Day 7 Warm-Up. (Without using their graphic organizer/notes, students will answer the questions. When they are finished, and if necessary, they may check their notes and then submit.)
Review for Unit 2: Colonial America test tomorrow, Thursday. (Graphic Organizer, handouts,study sheet.) If time permits: Kahoot and/or Quizlet Live. I will share these on Google Classroom as well as a Screencastify unit test review. Students may come in before school for a short test review as well. To keep from disrupting the review, students will need to be in our classroom by 7:30AM
Thursday: Unit 2: Colonial America Test
Friday: Unit 2 Colonial America Test Post Review. (Students absent Thursday will take their test today). Introducing the Student Reporting Category Chart.
Reteach/Retest for those who may have failed the test will be the next week. Students will be given a pass to come in for the unit reteach. (Reteach is NOT during the class period.) Students MUST attend the reteach to take the retest. The highest grade a student can make on a retest is a 70. If a student chooses NOT to attend the reteach, they forfeit the opportunity to take the retest.
Monday: Compare the physical geography in the American colonies and how it affected settlement and economic patterns in the region.
13 English Colonies Quiz on Tuesday
(Exit Ticket: How did the geography of the colonies (New England, Middle, Southern) affect the economy?
Tuesday: Analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factors such as weather, landforms, waterways, transportation, and communication. (similarities and differences). 13 English Colony Quiz.
Assigned Letter Home Essay Writing assignment. This will count as a test grade and will be due Tuesday, September 3rd. Information is on our Google Classroom.
Wednesday: Explain the importance of documents and colonial legislative bodies to the growth of representative government. How does religion contribute to this as well? (Compare the impact of Thomas Hooker, Charles de Montesquieu, and John Locke in the development of self-government in colonial America as well as Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Anne Hutchinson, and Pocahontas and the role of women in American society during Colonial times.). Look over the vocabulary terms from last week.)
Thursday: Analyze the importance of the Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and the Virginia House of Burgesses to the growth of representative government. Exit ticket: Choose one of the following and briefly explain the role of significant individuals such as Thomas Hooker, Charles de Montesquieu, Eliza Luca Pinckney, and John Locke in the development of self-government in colonial America.
Exit ticket: Choose one of the following and briefly explain the role of significant individuals such as Thomas Hooker, Charles de Montesquieu, Eliza Luca Pinckney, and John Locke in the development of self-government in colonial America.
Friday: Explain reasons for the development of the plantation system, the transatlantic slave trade, and the spread of slavery.
Monday: Identify reasons for English, Spanish, and French exploration and colonization of North America. (Introduce vocabulary terms/ quiz on Wednesday). Introductory Video is due tomorrow by 7:30AM. Check our Google Classroom for details and 2 “How to” videos.
Tuesday: Examine places of settlements in Colonial America.. Explore the physical geography in the American colonies affected settlement and economic patterns in the region.
Wednesday: Compare political, economic, religious, and social reasons for the establishment of the 13 English colonies. Quiz over vocabulary terms.
Thursday: Analyze and compare places and regions of Colonial America in terms of physical and human characteristics.(Similarities and differences)
Friday: Explain the reasons for the growth of representative government and institutions during the colonial period. (Students will be quizzed over the 13 English Colonies. Students will need to know the location of each colony and whether the colony is a New England, Middle, or Southern colony. They will also need to locate Jamestown, Philadelphia, and Boston as well as the Atlantic Ocean and the Appalachian Mountains.)