Monday: Student Holiday (Veterans Day)
Tuesday: Leaders of the early United States acted to stabilize the new country by establishing the structure of government authority. (Unit 5: Part 1: Powerpoint questions are due Friday.)
- Whiskey Rebellion
- National Security (Establishment of the U.S Army (1784), U.S Navy (1794), U.S. Marines (1798)
- Immigration Issues
Wednesday: Students will summarize arguments regarding protective tariffs, taxation, and the banking system.
Thursday: Describe major domestic problems faced by the leaders of the new republic, including maintaining national security, creating a stable economic system, and setting up the court system. (Study Sheet Quiz #6 (All of the 1st 4 eras: Exploration, Colonization, American Revolution, and Constitutional Eras. Notes are in the students’ journal, their Study Sheet.
Friday: Compare and Contrast: (Then and Now:) Protective Tariffs, taxation, and the banking system. (Unit 5: Part 1: Powerpoint questions are due)
We will postpone this activity until next week. Unit 5: Early Republic Warm-Up: Without using your graphic organizer/notes, try answering the questions. When you finish, and if necessary, check your notes and submit.
Students are working on Unit 5:1 Early Republic (President’s Cabinet) assignment, which is in on our Google Classroom. We worked on it yesterday and it is due Monday.